What We Do
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27
Fostering the Family
We are a group of committed believers that see the crisis with children and have found a sustainable solution to engage churches in their mission to care for orphans and widows. God has a heart for all people, but a special place for those who are destitute, and so should we.
We ignite churches and communities to support foster, adoptive, and kinship families.
Making a lasting difference in vulnerable children’s lives.
Our purpose is to empower and engage churches to raise up and support foster and adoptive parents who are committed to changing the lives of vulnerable children.
Our Strategy
We believe Churches working together is the answer!
Fostering the Family partners with Promise 686. Working together, our goal is to flood the foster care system with well trained, well supported foster families.
Fostering the Family doesn’t decide whether a child goes into the child welfare system…that’s up to the state. However, we know when the state does intervene, it’s time for The Church to intervene. Did you know there are over 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system and over 300,000 churches in America? That means, if every church could raise up one foster family, we’d have enough homes for these vulnerable children.
But fostering is a tough job. Without support, it can feel nearly impossible to continue. In fact, the national average of families who continue fostering after their first year is about 50%, but when supported by a Fostering the Family FAM – Family Advocacy Ministry and its Care Communities, 90% continue fostering into a second year.
In addition, we endeavor to create an environment where children and families can thrive through legislation and policy changes within our state system.

Click here to download our Strategic Plan.
Our Sustainable Plan
Bring Awareness to the Church
Present a customized & sustainable foster support plan through Church Awareness Campaigns.
Build Care Communities
Build & promote Care Communities surrounding each foster, kinship, and adoptive family in the Carolinas.
Support & Equip
Equip volunteers with the knowledge they need to adequately care for & support foster families.

Have Questions? Let's Talk!
Get in touch with our Director of Outreach and Partnerships, Susie Boyle, at (734) 474-1067 or susie@fosteringthefamily.org.
Alternately, you can submit a message via our contact form below and someone will be in touch with you shortly!