Supporting Families Who Support Our Kids
Making a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable children!
Be the Village.
Make a Difference.
Help a Child.
Fostering the Family exists to work with the church and volunteers to create one of the 3 P’s of Possibility!
Pray and Donate
Volunteer to Meet Needs
Build a Care Community
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ” – James 1:27
Here are some Facts about the Foster Care Crisis
50%+ of prison inmates come from the foster system.
60% of sex trafficking victims are in the foster care system.
50% of foster families without support stop fostering within the first year.
Families bring change!
A caring, loving, well supported family can make all the difference! “Every child who winds up doing well has at least one stable, committed relationship with a supportive adult.” Havard’s March 2015 Center on the Developing child.
“Do for the ONE kid- what you wish you could do for ALL kids.” – Josh Shipp
But IF you can not foster- then consider how you can support those who DO!
Did you know that 85-90% of foster families with community involvement are still fostering at the 2 year mark.
Can you make a meal? Help with house work/yard work? babysit? Pray?
Use your gifts and talents to help a family and ultimately Help a child!
(Foster and Adoptive parent)
Through my fostering and adoption journey, having a Care Community has been amazing! The volunteers are the literal hands and feet of Jesus! They lend an ear when I need to vent. They offer up prayers and wise words of advice. They bring meals when the whole house is sick. They extend grace when you feel like you can’t get anything right in the world. They come hold babies in the hospital so you can go grab a shower and feel human again. They bring healing, peaceful hugs and celebratory cheers when the adoption comes through. They are a lifeline when family and other friends don’t get your heart for fostering and adoption. They urge you to keep pushing when the rest of the world tells you to give up and walk away. We are incredibly blessed to have village of support and we have Fostering the Family to thank for it!
(Care Community Team Leader and Donor)
I am the Care Team coordinator at Founded in Truth. We support our pastor Matt and his wife Jenny in their role as foster parents to two small children. My main duty is to direct support to them through prayer, meals and any other events that might pop up. This work has provided me with an opportunity to join the body of Chirist in an amazing way. Those who provide meals and prayers are always willing to jump in and help. If the family needs help at their home or with babysitting, the team is there. Watching the body of Christ work together as a unit is an encouragement not only to the family, but also to those who have agreed to offer a helping hand. I can truly say that it has been worth every minute I have participated with the team and his family. I am grateful for the opportunity.

We can show you how to take tangible steps and Make A Lasting Difference!
Fostering the Family partners with churches all over South Carolina! You can view our current partners below.
We’re actively working to connect with new churches, so please contact us if you’d like to get involved with our mission.