Ways to Serve

Fostering the Family exists to work with the church and volunteers to create one of 3 P’s of Possibility:

Become a PROACTIVE Community

Do you have a desire to pray for children and families in your community?

Fostering the Family believes prayer is powerful! If you have a few minutes a day to spend in prayer for vulnerable children, foster and adoptive families, child welfare employees, volunteers, churches, healthcare workers, and the sick and struggling in our community, it makes a BIG difference.

Do you have the capacity to give to our mission? Whether it is a one time gift, corporate sponsorship, trust or will gift, or joining our Family Circle, there is a place for YOU to bring transformation. Would you like to join our mission and become a transformational giver to our vision?

Every time Fostering the Family partners with a church to raise up a foster family with a Care Community, more safe, loving, and long-term homes become available for children in need.

When you give, your donation provides the resources we need to continue helping vulnerable children in our communities. 

Become a PROGRESSIVE Community


If you are a church who is limited in volunteers but you have a desire to do something, please consider joining our Progressive Level of engagement.
It takes a commitment, but the commitment level is flexible based on the capacity you have to serve. At Fostering the Family, we rely on the church to buy in because when the church steps in, EVERYTHING CHANGES.
Can you serve in ANY capacity at least one time a year? If so, contact us for how to join our network.
Whether it is providing through a diaper drive, backpacks, beds, clothing, or providing respite, date night for foster parents, or Christmas gifts – the options to serve are limitless.
Need more ideas on how to serve? Download our infographic to learn more!
Another option of serving is joining the Connecting SC Portal. This is an online platform that meets the ongoing needs of children and families in foster care. By signing up to view the needs, you can see the needs in the portal per county or needs across SC.

Joining the Portal will revolutionize your involvement in the child welfare system by empowering you to impact your community!

Here’s how the Connecting SC Portal works:

As a volunteer, you become part of a network organized by zip code throughout the state. Volunteers can view and search for opportunities they have the skills, interest, and availability to meet. After meeting a need, you have the opportunity to give a testimonial about your experience as an encouragement to others. We are better together!

Become a PIONEER Community

Our FAM model (Family Advocacy Ministry) provides support for foster, adoptive, and kinship families through the help of a Care Community – an engineered wrap around support team.
Did you know that 90% of foster families who have a Care Community are still fostering at the 2 year mark, versus a 50% drop off rate in the first year of fostering for families who are called but have no support?
Will you lead your church to launch a FAM – Family Advocacy Ministry?

Download Our Infographic or Keep Reading


 HOW do you begin this process? Glad you asked! 

The first step is to attend a virtual Advocate Clinic. Then, you’ll be ready to begin building a sustainable Family Advocacy Ministry in your church or community. Choose the date that works best for you and begin your pioneering adventure!

(Don’t let costs stop you – scholarships are available, so let us know if you need financial assistance!)

Bring a FAM to your church. What is a FAM?

A FAM = a Family Advocacy Ministry

How Care Communities Support Families

Promise Serves Resources

An Online Resource Database for our Pioneering Church Partners

By becoming a Pioneering Church Partner, you have access to all Fostering the Family resources, training videos, event planning tools, and much more through our portal called Promise Serves!

Have Questions? Let's Talk!

Get in touch with our Director of Outreach and Partnerships, Susie Boyle, at (734) 474-1067 or susie@fosteringthefamily.org.

Alternately, you can submit a message via our contact form below and someone will be in touch with you shortly!