More Than Enough

Why are children removed from their home?

Foster children usually enter the foster care system
due to abuse and trauma in their home.

Neglect is the #1 reason children are removed,
followed by parental drug use.

This displacement causes a unique set of emotional, social and academic challenges for them. They often experience grief, guilt, anger, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, low self-esteem, mental and physical health issues.

  • Neglect 61% 61%
  • Drug Abuse 34% 34%
  • Caretaker Unable to Cope 14% 14%
  • Physical Abuse 12% 12%

Did you know?


of foster families quit within the first 12 months, but with support 90% of families will continue to foster at the two year mark.


of foster children live in congregate care instead of with a family.


of children entering foster care are infants under the age of one.


of children in foster care are teenagers. Only 58% of foster teens live with a family, compared with 95% of kids age 12 and under.

The Foster Care Crisis directly affects homelessness, incarceration, education, and sex trafficking.

You can download an informational brochure HERE


of foster children who age out will be homeless within 18 months.


of foster children who age out are incarcerated within 2 years, usually for survival crimes.


of foster children will finish high school. Only 2-3% will graduate from college.


of child sex trafficking victims were found to have been in foster care.

Does your church have a heart to help in one of these areas?


Prision Ministry


Sex Trafficking

Then your church is called to help with foster care.

Become part of our Family Circle. When you give, your donation provides the resources we need to continue helping vulnerable children in our communities. 

Join our Connecting SC portal. This will revolutionize your involvement in the child welfare system by empowering you to meet needs in your community as you are able.

Become an Advocate and build a Family Advocacy Ministry at your church. This is a ministry that provides wrap around support for foster, adoptive, and kinship families.

You Can Be the Difference!

Our goal is to see 10% of South Carolina churches partnered in our mission by 2030. The involvement of those 700 churches would mean 4000 children can be placed and remain in loving, stable homes. None of the children in the child welfare system today would remain in need. 

Rallied together for the same cause, South Carolina churches are more than enough to end the adoptive and foster crises in the state.

Why wait to get involved when you can be the difference you want to see?